Selected Bibliography:
June 1976 - July 2000
AVAILABLE ON-LINE PAPERS can be accessed at
- Dalkey, N. 1976. "Group Decision Analysis," in M. Zeleny (Ed.),
Multi-Criteria Decision Making,
Springer-Verlag, The Netherlands, 1976.
- Pearl, J., "Theoretical Bounds on the
Complexity of Inexact Computations,"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
IT-22(5):580-586, September 1976d.
- Pearl, J., "An Economic Basis for Certain
Methods of Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts,"
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,
10:175-183, September 1978.
- Dalkey, N., "Prospects for Social Value Scales," in Marois, M. (Ed.),
Design of Global Systems Models and their Limitations,
Pergamon Press, 1977.
- Dalkey, N., "Group Decision Theory,"
UCLA-ENG-7749, July, 1977.
- Pearl, J., "A Framework for Processing Value Judgements,"
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Special Issue on "Behavioral Decision Making,"
SMC-7(5):349-354, May 1977a.
- Leal, A. & Pearl, J., "An Interactive
Program for Conversational Elicitation of Decision Structures,"
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Special Issue on "Behavioral Decision Making,"
SMC-7(5):368-767, May 1977.
- Pearl, J., "A Note on the Management of Probability Assessors,"
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Special Issue on "Behavioral Decision Making,"
SMC-7(5):402-403, May 1977b.
- Pearl, J., "On Summarizing Data Using Probabilistic Assertions,"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
IT-23(4):459-465, July 1977c.
- Pearl, J., "On the Connection between the
Complexity and Credibility of Inferred Models,"
International Journal of General Systems,
4:255-264, 1978. (Reprint #14)
- Crolotte, A. & Pearl, J., "Bounds on Memory
versus Error Trade-offs in Question-Answering Systems,"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
IT-25(2):193-202, March 1979b.
- Pearl, J., "Entropy, Information and Rational Decisions,"
Policy Analysis and Information Systems,
Special Issue on "Mathematical Foundations,"
3(1):93-109, July 1979a. (Reprint #17)
- Pearl, J., "Capacity and Error-Estimates for
Boolean Classifiers with Limited Complexity,"
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence,
PAMI-1(4):350-356, October 1979b. (Reprint #18)
- Crolotte, A. & Pearl, J., "Elasticity
Conditions for Storage versus Error Exchange in
Question-Answering Systems,"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
IT-25(6):653-664, November 1979c.
- Dalkey, N., "The Aggregation of Probability
Estimates," UCLA-ENG-CSL-8025, August 1980.
- Pearl, J., "SCOUT: A Simple Game-Searching
Algorithm with Proven Optimal Properties,"
Proceedings, 1st Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Stanford University, 143-145, August 1980a.
- Pearl, J., "Asymptotic Properties of Minimax
Trees and Game-Searching Procedures,"
Artificial Intelligence,
14(2):113-138, September 1980b.
- Pearl, J. & Crolotte, A., "Storage Space
versus Validity of Answers in Probabilistic
Question-Answering Systems,"
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
IT-26(6):633-640, November 1980.
- Huyn, N., Dechter, R. & Pearl, J.,
"Probabilistic Analysis of the Complexity of A*,"
Artificial Intelligence,
15(3):241-254, December 1980.
- Dalkey, N., "Min-Score Inference on Probability
Systems," UCLA-ENG-CSL-8112, June, 1981.
- Pearl, J., "A Space-Efficient On-Line Method
of Computing Quantile Estimates,"
Journal of Algorithms,
2(2):164-177, June 1981a.
- Burns, M. & Pearl, J., "Causal and
Diagnostic Inferences: A Comparison of Validity,"
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance,
28:379-394, 1981.
- Pearl, J., Leal, A. & Saleh, J., "GODDESS:
a Goal-Directed Decision Structuring System,"
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence,
4(3):250-262, May 1982.
- Pearl, J. & Kim, J. H., "Studies in Semi-Admissible Heuristics,"
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence,
4(4):392-399, July 1982.
- Pearl, J., "Reverend Bayes on Inference
Engines: a Distributed Hierarchical Approach,"
AAAI National Conference on AI,
Pittsburgh, PA, 133-136, August 1982a.
- Pearl, J., "The Solution for the Branching Factor
of the Alpha-Beta Pruning Algorithm and Its Optimality,"
25(8):559-564, August 1982b.
- Dalkey, N., "Information Pooling as the
Composition of Inquiry Systems." Presented at
the Conference on Information Pooling and Group
Decision, Irvine, CA, March 1983.
- Pearl, J.,
"Knowledge versus Search: a Quantitative Analysis Using A*,"
Artificial Intelligence,
20(1):1-13, January 1983a.
- Roizen, I. & Pearl, J.,
"A Minimax Algorithm Better than Alpha-Beta?: Yes and No,"
Artificial Intelligence,
21(1-2):199-200, March 1983.
- Karp, R. M. & Pearl, J.,
"Searching for an Optimal Path in a Tree with Random Costs,"
Artificial Intelligence,
21(1-2):99-116, March 1983. (Reprint #38)
- Pearl, J., "On the Discovery and Generation of Certain Heuristics,"
AI Magazine,
Winter/Spring, 23-33, 1983b. (Reprint #39)
Also in
Readings from AI Magazine,
R. Engelmore (ed), Menlo Park: AAAI Press,
58-66, 1988.
- Pearl, J.,
"Test Tubes versus Fruit Flies in the Design of Gothic Cathedrals,"
AI Journal,
preface, Special Issue on "Search and Heuristics" in memory of John
Gaschnig, 21:1-6, 1983c.
- Pearl, J., "On the Nature of Pathology in Game Searching,"
Artificial Intelligence,
20, 427-453, 1983d.
- Pearl, J., "Game-Searching Theory: Survey of Recent Results"
in M. Bramer (Ed.), Computer Game-Playing: Theory and Practice,
Halsted Press, Chapter 20, 276-284, 1983.
- (R-25) Kim, J. H. & Pearl, J.,
"A Computational Model for Combined Causal and
Diagnostic Reasoning in Inference Systems,"
UCLA-ENG-CSL-83-03 (R-25), January 1983; Rev. I, May 1983;
Proceedings, IJCAI-83,
190-193, 1983.
- (R-27) Dechter, R. & Pearl, J.,
"The Optimality of A* Revisited,"
UCLA-ENG-CSL-83-28 (R-27), 1983;
Proceedings, AAAI-83,
95-99, 1983.
- (R-40) Roizen, I. & Pearl, J.,
"The Average Performance of Three Game-Searching Algorithms,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report (R-40),
July 1983.
- (R-35) Kim, J. H.,
"CONVINCE: A CONVersational INference Consolidation Engine,"
Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA Computer Science Department; CSD
Technical Report 840067 (R-35) March 1984;
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Vol. 17 (2), 120-132, 1987.
- (R-34) Michon, G. P.,
a Probabilistic Model for Perfect Information Games,"
Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 840029 (R-34), 1983.
- Pearl, J., "Some Recent Results in Heuristic Search Theory,"
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. PAMI-6, No. 1, 1-13, January 1984.
- Pearl, J. (Ed.),
Search and Heuristics,
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1983.
- Pearl, J.,
Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1984.
- (R-41) Dalkey, N. C.,
"Prior Probabilities Revisited," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report (R-41),
presented at the 4th Workshop on
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied
Statistics, University of Calgary, August 5-8, 1984.
- Dalkey, N., "Inductive Inference and the
Maximum Entropy Principle," in C. Ray Smith
and W.T. Grandy (Eds.),
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Inverse Problems,
D. Reidel, 1985.
- Dalkey, N., "Inductive Inference and the
Representation of Uncertainty." Presented at the
Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in
Artificial Intelligence, UCLA, August 1985. In Kanal & Lemmer (Eds.)
Uncertainty in AI,
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1986, 393-397.
- (R-38). Pearl, J.,
"Learning Hidden Causes From Empirical Data,"
UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 840065 (R-38);
Proceedings, IJCAI-85,
Los Angeles, CA, 567-572, August 1985.
- (R-37). Dechter, R. & Pearl, J.,
"The Anatomy of Easy Problems: a Constraint-Satisfaction Formulation,"
UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 840063 (R-37);
Proceedings, IJCAI-85,
Los Angeles, CA, 1066-1072, August 1985.
- (R-36). Tarsi, M. & Pearl, J., "Algorithmic Reconstruction of Trees,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 840061 (R-36),
December 1984.
- (R-39). Zukerman, I. & Pearl, J.,
"Listener Model for the Generation of Meta-Technical
Utterances in Math Tutoring,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 840064 (R-39),
December 1984.
- Ben-Bassat, M., "Expert Systems for Clinical Diagnosis,"
in Gupta et al. (Eds.),
Approximate Reasoning in Expert Systems,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1985.
- Dalkey, N., "Comparison of Minimum
Cross-Entropy Inference with Minimally
Informative Information Systems." Presented
at the 6th Workshop on Maximum Entropy and
Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics,
Seattle, Wash., August 1986.
- (R-42). Pearl, J., "Fusion, Propagation and Structuring in Belief Networks,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850022 (R-42);
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 29, No. 3, 241-288, September 1986.
- (R-45). Pearl, J., "Bayes Decision Methods," UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850023 (R-45);
Encyclopedia of AI,
Wiley Interscience, New York, 48-56. Also in 2nd Edition, 1992,
89-98, 1987 (entitled "Bayesian Inference Methods").
- Pearl, J., "Branching Factor,"
Encyclopedia of AI,
Wiley Interscience, New York, 81-82, 1987. Also in 2nd
Edition, 127-128, 1992.
- Pearl, J., "Game Trees,"
Encyclopedia of AI,
Wiley Interscience, New York, 319-321, 1987. Also in 2nd
Edition, 550-552, 1992. (Reprint #50)
- Pearl, J., "AND/OR Graphs,"
Encyclopedia of AI,
Wiley Interscience, New York, 7-8, 1987. Also in 2nd
Edition, 28-30, 1992.
- (R-44). Pearl, J.,
"A Constraint-Propagation Approach to Probabilistic Reasoning,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850020 (R-44);
Proceedings, Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intelligence,
UCLA, August 14-16, 31-42, 1985;
in Kanal, L. N. & Lemmer, J. (Eds.),
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, 357-369.
- Dechter, R. & Pearl, J.,
"Generalized Best-First Search Strategies and the Optimality of A*,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report (Reprint #43).
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery,
Vol. 32, No. 3, 505-536, July 1985.
- (R-48). Dechter, R. & Pearl, J.,
"A Problem Simplification Approach That Generates Heuristics
for Constraint-Satisfaction Problems,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850014 (R-48). In J.Hayes et
al (Eds.),
Machine Intelligence,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, Vol. 11, 125-156, 1988.
- (R-43). Pearl, J., "Bayesian Networks:
a Model of Self-Activated Memory for Evidential Reasoning,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850021 (R-43);
Proceedings, Cognitive Science Society,
UC Irvine, 329-334, August 15-17, 1985.
- (R-49). Pearl, J.,
"How to Do with Probabilities What People Say You Can't,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850031 (R-49);
Proceedings, 2nd IEEE Conference on AI Applications,
Miami, FL, 6-12, December 1985. Also in
Charles L. Wesibin (Ed.),
AI Applications,
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 6-12, l988.
- Ben-Bassat, M. & Maler, O.,
"A Framework for Control Strategies in Uncertain Inference Networks,"
Proceedings, Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in AI,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 143-151, August 1985.
- (R-52). Dechter, R., "Studies in the Use and Generation of Heuristics,"
Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA Computer Science Department, 1985;
CSD Technical Report 850033 (R-52).
- (R-53). Pearl, J. & Paz, A.,
"GRAPHOIDS: a Graph-Based Logic
for Reasoning about Relevance Relations,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850038 (R-53); In
B. Du Boulay, (Eds.),
Advances in Artificial Intelligence-II,
North-Holland Publishing Co. 1987.
- (R-54). Pearl, J.,
"Causal Reasoning with Uncertain Continuous Quantities,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 860051 (R-54),
October 1987.
- (R-51). Pearl, J.,
"On Evidential Reasoning in a Hierarchy of Hypotheses,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850032 (R-51);
Research Note,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence,
28 (1), 9-15, February 1986.
- (R-47). Pearl, J. & Tarsi, M.,
"Structuring Causal Trees,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 850029 (R-47);
Journal of Complexity,
Vol. 2 (1) 60-77, March 1986.
- (R-55). Pearl, J.,
"On the Logic of Probabilistic Dependencies,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 860062 (R-55);
Proceedings, American Association for Artificial Intelligence `86,
Philadelphia, PA, 339-343, August 1986.
- (R-57). Dechter, R. & Dechter, A.,
"Properties of Greedily Optimized Ordering Problems,"
Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 860048 (R-57);
Proceedings, 6th Canadian AI Conference,
Montreal, 245-250, May 1986;
an extended version (R-57-S) in
ORSA Journal of Computing,
Vol. 1:3, Summer 1989.
- (R-58). Dechter, R., "Learning While
Searching in Constraint-Satisfaction
Problems," UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report (R-58),
Proceedings, AAAI-86, Philadelphia, PA, 178-183, August 1986.
- (R-56). Pearl, J., & Paz, A.,
"On the Logic of Representing Dependencies by Graphs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 860047 (R-56),
Proceedings, 1986 Canadian AI Conference,
Montreal, 94-98, May 1986.
- (R-64). Pearl, J.,
"Distributed Revision of Composite Beliefs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 860045 (R-64),
Proceedings, 2nd AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, Philadelphia, PA, 201-209, August 1986; in
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 33 (2), February 1987, 173-215.
Also in
J.F. Lemmer and L.N. Kanal (Eds.),
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2,
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 291-316, 1988.
- (R-59). Pinto, J. A.,
"Relevance-Based Propagation in Bayesian Networks,"
Master's Thesis, UCLA Computer Science Department, 1986; CSD
Technical Report 860098 (R-59).
- (R-63). Roizen, I. & Pearl, J., "Learning Link-Probabilities in Causal Trees,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 860095 (R-63),
Proceedings, 2nd AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Philadelphia, PA, 211-214, August 1986.
- (R-60). Zukerman, I.,
"Computer-Driven Generation of Meta-Technical Utterances
in Math Tutoring," Ph.D. disseration, UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report 8600## (R-60), 1986.
- (R-61). Zukerman, I. & Pearl, J.,
"Comprehension-Driven Generation of Meta-Technical Utterances in Math Tutoring,"
UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 860097 (R-61),
Proceedings, AAAI-86,
Philadelphia, PA, 606-611, August 1986.
- (R-62). Pearl, J.,
"Jeffrey's Rule, Passage of Experience, and
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report 860099 (R-62),
May 1986. A later version, June 1989, in
H. Kyburg, R. Loui, and G. Carlson (Eds),
Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, (a compilation of
papers presented at the Conference on Exact
Philosophy, June 1988), 245-265, 1990 .
- Dechter, R. & Kleinrock, L., "Parallel Algorithms for Multi-Processing Broadcast Channels"
IEEE Transactions in Computers,
Vol. C-35, No. 3, 210-219, 1986.
- (R-89). Dalkey, N.,
"Modeling vs. Inductive Inference for Dealing with Probabilistic Knowledge,"
Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report CSD-870050 (R-89),
Proceedings, 2nd AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence , Philadelphia, PA, 63-70, August 1986.
- (R-46). Pearl, J.,
"Markov and Bayes Networks:
a Comparison of Two Graphical Representations
of Probabilistic Knowledge,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 860024 (R-46),
October 1986.
- (R-65). Verma, T. and Pearl. J.,
"Causal Networks: Semantics and Expressiveness,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report 870032 (R-65),
June 1987, in
Proceedings, 4th Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Minneapolis, MN, Mountain View, CA, 352-359, August 1988.
Also in
R. Shachter, T.S. Levitt, and L.N. Kanal (Eds.),
Uncertainty in AI 4,
Elsevier Science Publishers, 69-76, 1990.
- (R-70). Pearl, J. & Verma, T.,
"Formal Properties of Probabilistic Dependencies & Their Graphical Representations,"
UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 860019 (R-70),
October 1986.
- (R-66). Geffner, H. & Pearl, J.,
"A Distributed Approach to Diagnosis,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report 860023 (R-66);
extended version,
"A Distributed Diagnosis of Systems with Multiple Faults,"
in Proceedings, 3rd IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Applications, Orlando, Florida, 156-162, February 1987.
- (R-67). Dechter, R., & Pearl, J., "The Cycle-Cutset
Method for Improving Search Performance in AI
Applications," UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report 860022 (R-67), in Proceedings,
3rd IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Applications, Orlando, FL, 224-230, February 1987.
- (R-68). Pearl, J., "Evidential Reasoning Using
Stochastic Simulation of Causal Models," UCLA
Computer Science Department, Technical Report 860021 (R-68);
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 32:2, 245-258, 1987.
- (R-69). Pearl, J., "Embracing Causality in Formal
Reasoning," UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report 860020 (R-69),
September 1986, in
Proceedings, AAAI Conference,
Seattle, WA, 369-373, July 1987.
Also in
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 35:2, 259-271, June 1988.
- (R-71). Pearl, J., "Polya's `Patterns of Plausible
Inference' and the Quest for Modularity," UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870064 (R-71),
September 1986.
- (R-73). Geffner, H. & Pearl, J., "An Improved Constraint-Propagation Algorithm for Diagnosis."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870012 (R-73),
December 1986, in
Proceedings, IJCAI-87 Conference, Milano, Italy,
1105-1111, August 1987.
- (R-75). Pearl, J. & Korf, R., "Search Techniques,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-75),
December 1986,
Annual Review of Computer Science,
Vol. II, 451-467, 1987.
- (R-78). Ben-Bassat, M.,
"Taxonomy, Structure and Implementation of Evidential
Reasoning Models,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report 870005 (R-78);
Proceedings, 2nd AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI,
Philadelphia, PA, 17-28, August 1986.
- (R-72). Dechter, R.,
"Constraint-Directed Approach to Diagnosis,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-72),
September 1988.
- (R-74). Dechter, A., & Dechter, R.,
"Minimal Constraint Graphs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870007 (R-74),
December 1986.
- (R-76). Dechter, R.,
"Decomposing an N-ary Relation into a Tree of Binary Relations,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870011 (R-76),
January 1987, in
Proceedings, 6th Conference on Principles of Database Systems,
San Diego, CA, 185-189, March 1987. In
Journal of Computer and System Sciences,
41, 2-24, 1990.
A Special Issue
on the theory of relational databases ("Decomposing a Relation
into a Tree of Binary Relations").
- (R-77). Dechter, R.,
"Constraint Processing Incorporating
Backjumping, Learning and
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870010 (R-77), November 1987,
in Proceedings, 4th IEEE Conference, San Diego,
CA, 312-319, March 1988. A extended version,
"Enhancement Schemes for Constraint Processing:
Backjumping, Learning and Cutset Decomposition,"
to appear in
Artificial Intelligence,
- (R-79). Pearl, J., & Verma,T.,
"The Logic of Representing Dependencies by Directed Graphs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870004 (R-79),
February 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Conference, Seattle, WA, 374-379, July 1987.
- (R-80). Dechter, R.,
"A Constraint-Network Approach to Truth-Maintenance,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870009 (R-80),
February 1987.
- (R-81). Dechter, A., & Dechter, R.,
"Removing Redundancies in Constraint Networks,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870006 (R-81),
February 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Conference, Seattle, WA, 105-109, July 1987.
- (R-82). Rebane, G., & Pearl, J., "The Recovery of Causal
Poly-Trees from Statistical Data," UCLA Cognitive System Laboratory,
Technical Report 870031 (R-82), March, 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI, Seattle,
WA, 222-228, July 1987. Also in
L.N. Kanal, T.S. Levitt, and J.F. Lemmer (Eds.),
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3,
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 175-182, 1989.
- (R-84). Geffner, H., & Pearl, J., "On the Probabilistic
Semantics of Connectionist Networks," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report 870033 (R-84), in
Proceedings, 1st IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks,
San Diego, CA, 187-195, June 1987.
- (R-85). Dalkey, Norman C., "The Inductive Logic of
Information Systems," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870034 (R-85), April, 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI,
Seattle, WA, 205-211, July 1987. Also in
L.N. Kanal, T.S. Levitt and J.F. Lemmer (Eds.).
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3,
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 375-386, 1989.
- (R-86). Dechter, R., & Pearl, J., "The Optimality of
A *," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870049 (R-86), August 1987.
In L. Kanal and V. Kumar (Eds.),
Search in AI,
Springer-Verlag, 166-199, 1988.
- (R-83). Geiger, Daniel, "The Non-Axiomatizability of Dependencies in Directed Acyclic Graphs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870048 (R-83),
June, 1987.
- (R-87). Lei Xu & Judea Pearl, "Structuring Causal Tree
Models with Continuous Variables," Department of Automation, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, and UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report 870035 (R-87), June, 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI,
Seattle, WA, 170-179, July 1987. Also in
L.N. Kanal, T.S. Levitt, and J.F. Lemmer (Eds.),
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3,
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 209-219, 1989.
- (R-88). Judea Pearl, "Do we Need Higher-Order
Probabilities and, If so, What do they Mean?,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870036 (R-88), June 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI Workshop on Uncertainty in AI, Seattle,
WA, 47-60, July 1987.
- (R-90). Dechter, Rina & Pearl, J., "Network-Based
Heuristics for Constraint-Satisfaction
Problems," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870037 (R-90), May 1987. In
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 34:1, 1-38, December 1987. Also in L. Kanal and V. Kumar (Eds.),
Search in AI,
Springer-Verlag, 370-425, 1988.
- (R-91). Pearl, J., "An Inquiry into Computer
Understanding," (Discussion of P. Cheeseman's paper), UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870051 (R-91),
June 1987. "On Logic and Probability,"
Computational Intelligence,
Vol. 4, 90-94, April 1988.
- (R-92). Dechter, Rina, & Pearl, J., "Tree-Clustering
Schemes for Constraint-Processing," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870065 (R-92), June 1987, in
Proceedings, AAAI-88, St. Paul, MN, 150-154, August 1988.
Also in
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 38:3, 353-366, April 1989.
- (R-93). Pearl, J., "Probabilistic Semantics for
a Subset of Default Reasoning," UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870052 (R-93),
March 1988.
- (R-94). Geffner, H., & Pearl, J., "A
Framework for Reasoning with Defaults,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 870058 (R-94),
March 1988. In
Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning,
H. Kyburg, R. Loui and G. Carlson (eds),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990 (a compilation of
papers presented at the Conference on Exact
Philosophy, June 1988), 69-87.
- (R-95). Paz, A., "A Full Characterization of
Pseudographoids in Terms of Families of
Undirected Graphs," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report 870055 (R-95), September 1987.
- (R-96). Pearl, J., "Deciding Consistency in
Inheritance Networks,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870053 (R-96),
August 1987.
- (R-97).Geiger, D. & J. Pearl, "Logical and
Algorithmic Properties of Conditional
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870056 (R-97),
August 1987.
A short version (R-97-II-S) in
Proceedings, 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
and Statistics, Miami, FL, (19-1)-(19-10), January 1989.
Version (R-97-II-L) in
The Annals of Statistics,
Vol. 21, No. 4, 2001-2021, 1993.
- (R-98). Dalkey, N., "A Logic of Information Systems,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 870057 (R-98),
August 1987, in Proceedings, 6th Workshop on Maximum
Entropy and Bayesian Networks, Seattle, WA, August 1987.
- (R-100). Pearl, J., "A Probabilistic Treatment of the
Yale Shooting Problem," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report 870068 (R-100),
September 1987.
- (R-101). Verma, T., & J. Pearl,
"Influence Diagrams and d-Separation,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880052 (R-101), March 1988.
- (R-102). Geiger, D., "Towards the
Formalization of Informational Dependencies,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880053 (R-102),
(Based on the author's MS thesis), Dec 3,
- (R-103). Verma, T., "Some Mathematical
Properties of Dependency Models,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-103),
August 1987.
- (R-105). Pearl, J., "On Probability
Intervals," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880094 (R-105), January 1988. In
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
Vol. 2:3, 211-216, July 1988.
- (R-106). Pearl, J., "Bayesian and
Belief-Functions Formalisms for Evidential
Reasoning: A Conceptual Analysis,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 880054 (R-106),
January 1988. Short version (R-106-S) in
Proceedings, 5th Israeli Symposium on Artificial Intelligence,
Tel Aviv, 398-424, December 1988. An extended version (R-106-S-II) in
Z.W. Ras and M. Zemankova (Eds.),
INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, State of the Art and Future Directions
Ellis Horwood Publishers, 73-117, 1990.
- (R-107). Pearl, J., "Evidential Reasoning under
Uncertainty," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880055 (R-107), February 1988. In
H. Shrobe (Ed.),
Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Survey Talks from the
National Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan and
Kaufmann, 381-418, 1988. Also in
Annual Review of Computer Science,
Vol. 4, 1989 ("Reasoning Under Uncertainty"),
- (R-108). Dechter, R., and A. Dechter,
"Belief Maintenance in Dynamic Constraint Networks,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 880056 (R-108-L),
March 1988. (R-108-S) in
Proceedings, AAAI-88, St. Paul, MN, 37-42, August 1988.
- (R-109). Dechter, R., "A Distributed
Algorithm for ATMS," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report 880057 (R-109S), March 1988.
- (R-110). Geffner, H., "On the Logic of
Defaults," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880058 (R-110), March 1988, in Proceedings,
AAAI-88, St. Paul, MN, 449-454, August 1988.
- (R-111). Dechter, R., A. Dechter & J.
Pearl, "Optimization in Constraint
Networks," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880059 (R-111), March 1988, in
Proceedings, Conference on Influence Diagrams for Decision
Analysis, Inference, and Prediction, Berkeley, CA, May 1988.
Also in R.M. Oliver and J.Q. Smith (Eds.),
Influence Diagrams, Belief Nets and Decision Analysis,
Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 411-425, 1989.
- (R-112). Geiger, D., & J. Pearl, "On the Logic of Causal
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report 880060 (R-112),
March 1988, in
Proceedings, 4th Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, Minneapolis, MN, Mountain View, CA: Advanced
Decision Systems, 136-147, August 1988. Also in
L. Kanal, T. Levitt & R. Shachter (Eds.),
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 4,
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 3-14, 1990.
- (R-113). Dechter, R., I. Meiri, & J. Pearl,
"Temporal Constraint Networks,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-113), February 1989, in
Proceedings, First International Conference on Principles
of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'89), Toronto,
Canada, 83-93, May 1989. An extended version (R-113-L) in special
issue of
Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 49, 61-95, 1991.
- (R-114). Pearl, J., D. Geiger & T. Verma, "The Logic of
Influence Diagrams," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report 880061 (R-114), April 1988, in
Proceedings, Conference on Influence Diagrams for Decision Analysis,
Inference, and Prediction, Berkeley, CA, May 1988.
Also in R.M. Oliver and J.Q. Smith (Eds.),
Influence Diagrams, Belief Nets and Decision Analysis,
Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 67-87, 1989.
A shorter version, (R-114-S), in
Vol. 25:2, 33-44, 1989.
- (R-115). Verma, T.S., & D. Geiger, "On the Membership
Problem in Semi-Graphoids," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-115). In preparation.
- (R-116). D. Geiger, Verma, T.S. & Pearl, J., "Identifying
Independence in Bayesian Networks,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890028 (R-116). In
Vol. 20, No. 5, 507-534, 1990.
- (R-117). A. Paz, "Membership Algorithm
for Marginal Independencies,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical report 880095 (R-117),
September 1988.
- Pearl, J.
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems,
San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.
- (R-118). A. Paz & R. Schulhoff, "Closure
Algorithms and Decision Problems for Graphoids
Generated by Two Undirected Graphs - Abridged
Version," UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical
Report 880096 (R-118), September 1988.
- (R-119). D. Geiger, A. Paz & J. Pearl,
"Axioms and Algorithms for Inferences
Involving Probabilistic Independence,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890031 (R-119), December l988. In
Information and Computation,
Vol. 91, No. 1, 128-141, March 1991.
- (R-120). R. Dechter & A. Dechter,
"Constraint Based Truth-Maintenance and It's
Application to Diagnosis,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report CSD-890032 (R-120),
December 1988, in Proceedings, 5th Israeli Symposium on AI,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2-15, December 1988.
- (R-121). R. Dechter & I. Meiri,
"Experimental Evaluation of Preprocessing
Techniques in Constraint-Satisfaction
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report CSD-890033 (R-121),
December 1988, in Proceedings, IJCAI-89, Detroit,
MI, 271-277, August 1989.
"Experimental evaluation of preprocessing algorithms for constraint
satisfaction problems," to appear in Artificial Intelligence,
Elsevier Science B.V., 1994.
- (R-122). M. Goldszmidt & J. Pearl,
"Deciding Consistency of Databases Containing
Defeasible and Strict Information,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890034 (R-122), February 1989, in
Proceedings, 5th Workshop on Uncertainty in AI,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 134-141, August 1989. Also in
M. Henrion, R.D. Shachter, L.N. Kanal, and J.F. Lemmer (Eds.).
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
5, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland), 87-97, 1990.
Revised May 1991, "On the consistency of defeasible databases*,"
Artificial Intelligence,
North-Holland Publishers, Amsterdam, (52), 121-149, December 1991.
- (R-123). D. Geiger & J. Pearl,
"Logical and Algorithmic Properties of
Independence and Their Application to Bayesian
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890035 (R-123), July 1989. In
Annals of Mathematics and AI,
(Special Issue on Statistics and AI), Vol. 2, No. 1-4, 165-178, 1990.
- (R-124). J. Pearl, "Locality-Bounded
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890036 (R-124), February 1989.
in Proceedings, AAAI-89 Spring Symposium, Stanford,
CA, 92-95, March 1989.
- (R-125). H. Geffner, "Default
Reasoning, Minimality and Coherence,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890037 (R-125), February 1989,
in Proceedings, First International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'89), Toronto
, Canada, 137-148, May 1989.
- (R-128). J. Pearl, "Probabilistic Semantics for
Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Survey." UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890038 (R-128), February 1989, in
Proceedings, First Intl. Conf. on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning, Toronto, Canada, 505-516, May 1989.
Expanded version in Robert Cummins and John Pollock (Eds.),
Philosophy and AI - Essays at the Interface,
Bradford Books/MIT Press, 157-187, 1991.
- (R-129). H. Geffner & T. Verma, "Inheritance =
Chaining + Defeat." UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890039 (R-129),
March 1989. A condensed version (R-129-S) in
Z. Ras (Ed.),
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, IV.,
New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Co. 1989. A
compilation of papers presented at the 4th Intl.
Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'89),
Charlotte, North Carolina, 411-418, Fall 1989.
- (R-130). D. Geiger, T. Verma & J. Pearl,
"d-Separation: From Theorems to
Algorithms." UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-890040 (R-130), March 1989, in
Proceedings, 5th Workshop on Uncertainty in AI,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, 118-124, August 1989. Also in
M. Henrion, R.D. Shachter, L.N. Kanal, & J.F. Lemmer (Eds.),
Uncertainty in AI,
5, Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland), 139-148, 1990.
- (R-131). J. Pearl, "System Z: A
Natural Ordering of Defaults with Tractable
Applications to Nonmonotonic Reasoning."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910049 (R-131),
December 1989.
In R. Parikh (Ed.),
Theoretical Aspects on Reasoning about Knowledge,
San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 121-135, 1990.
- (R-132). J. Pearl & R. Dechter,
"Learning Structure from Data: A Survey." UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report CSD-910048 (R-132),
June 1989. in Proceedings, 2nd Workshop on Computational
Learning Theory (COLT'89), Santa Cruz, CA, 230-244, August 1989.
- (R-135). R. Dechter, "From Local to
Global Consistency," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report CSD-910046 (R-135),
September 1989, in Proceedings, Eighth Canadian Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, CSCSI-90, 231-237, May 23-25, 1990,
"Best Paper Award." Also in
Artificial Intelligence,
55, Elsevier Science Publishers, 87-107, 1992.
- (R-136). J. Pearl, "Reasoning with
Belief Functions: An Analysis of
Compatibility." Technical Report CSD-910047 (R-136). In
The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
Vol. 4, No. 5/6, 363-389, 1990.
Reprints of `Rejoinder to Comments on "Reasoning With Belief Functions: An
Analysis of Compatibility,"
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,
6, 425-443, 1992.
- (R-137). H. Geffner, "Default
Reasoning: Causal and Conditional Theories."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-137), CSD #890065,
PhD. Dissertation, November 1989.
- (R-138). R. Dechter & A. Dechter, "Structure-Driven
Algorithms for Truth Maintenance."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910045 (R-138), February 1990.
Submitted to Artificial Intelligence, August 1994.
- (R-139). G. Goldszmidt & J. Pearl, "On
the Relation Between Rational Closure and System-Z."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910043 (R-139), May, 1990, in
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Nonmonotonic
Reasoning, S. Lake Tahoe, CA, 130-140, May 31-June 3, 1990.
- (R-140).
D. Geiger, A. Paz and J. Pearl,
"Identifying Polytrees of Compositional Graphoids."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory Technical Report (R-140),
December 1989.(SEE R-149 NEW VERSION)
- (R-141). D. Geiger & D. Heckerman, "Practical
and Theoretical Advances in Knowledge Acquisition
of Probabilistic Networks," Technical Report (R-141), January 1990, in
Proceedings, Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intel
ligence, July 27-29, 1990. Also in Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, 6, Cambridge, MA, 538-545, 1991,
(entitled "Separable and Transitive Graphoids").
- (R-142). D. Geiger, "Graphoids: A Qualitative
Framework for Probabilistic Inference,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-142), PhD. Dissertation, January 1990.
- (R-143). J. Pearl, "Which is More Believable,
The Probably Provable or the Provably Probable?"
Technical Report CSD-910040 (R-143),
March 1990, in
Proceedings, CSCSI-90, Eighth Canadian Conference on Artifical Intelligence,
Ottawa, CA, May 23-25, 1-7, 1990.
- (R-144). M. Goldszmidt, P. Morris, & J. Pearl,
"A Maximum Entropy Approach to Nonmonotonic Reasoning."
Technical Report CSD-910041 (R-144),
February 1990. Revised 5/90 short version in
Proceedings, AAAI-90,
Boston, MA, 646-652, 7/29-8/3/90.
Also in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, Vol. 15, No. 3, 220-232, March 1993.
- (R-145). J. Pearl, "Probabilistic and Qualitative
Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910042 (R-145),
February 1990, in
Proceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Abduction,
Stanford, CA, 155-158, March 27-29, 1990.
- (R-146). I. Meiri, R. Dechter, & J. Pearl,
"Tree Decomposition with Application to Constraint
Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910037 (R-146),
February 1990, in
Proceedings, AAAI-90,
Boston, MA, 10-16, 7/29-8/3/90.
- (R-147). R. Dechter, "On the Expressiveness of
Networks with Hidden Variables."
Technical Report (R-147),
February 1990, in
Proceedings, AAAI-90,
Boston, MA, 556-562, 7/29-8/3/90.
- (R-148). Z. Collin & R. Dechter, "A Distributed
Solution to the Network Consistency Problem."
Technical Report (R-148),
March 1990, in
Proceedings, ISMIS-90,
Lennox, TN, 1990.
- (R-149). D. Geiger, A. Paz & J. Pearl. "Learning Causal Trees from Dependence Information." UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory
Technical Report (R-149),
February 1990, in
Proceedings, AAAI-90,
Boston, MA, 770-776, 7/29-8/3/90.
- (R-150). T. Verma & J. Pearl. "Equivalence and
Synthesis of Causal
Models." UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-150),
June 1990, in Proceedings, Workshop on Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence, July 27-29, 1990. Also in
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 6,
Cambridge, MA, Elsevier Science Publishers, 220-227, 1991.
- (R-151). I. Meiri and J. Pearl. "Faster Constraint
Satisfaction Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning." UCLA
Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-151), July, 1990.
- (R-152). D. Geiger, A. Paz and J. Pearl. "Learning
Simple Causal Networks."
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-152), September, 1990. In
International Journal of Intelligent Systems,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Vol. 8, 231-247, 1993.
- (R-153). R. Dechter and J. Pearl.
"Directed Constraint Networks: A Relational Framework
for Causal Modeling,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report CSD-910023 (R-153), December, 1990, in
Proceedings, 12th International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91),
Sydney, Australia, 1164-1170, August 24-30, 1991,
- (R-154). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl.
"Where do Default Priorities Come From?,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-154), November, 1990.
- (R-155). J. Pearl and T. Verma.
"A Statistical Semantics for Causation,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-155), November, 1990, in
Proceeding, 3rd International Workshop on A.I. & Statistics,
Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 2-5, 1991. (Sent to Flairs).
Also in Statistics and Computing, 2, Chapman and
Hall, 91-95, 1992.
- (R-156). J. Pearl and T. Verma.
"A Theory of Inferred Causation,"
in Allen, J.A., Fikes, R., and Sandewall, E. (Eds.),
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Second International Conference.
San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 441-452, April 1991.
- (R-157). H. Geffner and J. Pearl. "Conditional
Entailment: Bridging Two Approaches to Default Reasoning,"
T.J. Watson Research Center, NY; UCLA, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report CSD-910027 (R-157), December, 1990.
In Artificial Intelligence, 53(2), 209-244, 1992.
- (R-158). R. Ben-Eliyahu. "NP-Complete Problems in
Optimal Horn Clauses Satisfiability,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-158),
January, 1991.
- (R-159). J. Pearl. "Epsilon-Semantics,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report CSD-910029 (R-159),
January, 1991. In
Encyclopedia of AI, 2nd Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 468-475, 1992.
- (R-160). I. Meiri. "Combining Qualitative and
Quantitative Constraints in Temporal Reasoning,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report CSD-910030 (R-160), January 1991, in
Proceedings of AAAI-91,
Anaheim, CA, Vol. 1, 260-267, July 1991.
- (R-161). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl. System-Z$"" sup +$:
A formalism for reasoning with variable-strength defaults,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Tecnical Report CSD-910031 (R-161),
January 1991, in
Proceedings, AAAI-91,
Anaheim, CA, Vol. 1, AAAI Press/The MIT Press, 399-404, July 1991.
A short version (R-161, short - "Reasoning with variable-strength
defaults can be tractable") was submitted to
Artificial Intelligence
as a research note, February 1992.
(R-161-L). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl, "Qualitative Probabilities for
Default Reasoning, Belief Revision and Causal Modeling,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, November 1994.
Tecnical Report (R-161-L). Submitted to Artificial Intelligence.
- (R-162). R. Ben-Eliyahu and Dechter, R. "Default
Logic, Propositional Logic and Constraints,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-162), in
Proceedings, AAAI-91,
Anaheim, CA, Vol. 1, 379-385, July 1991.
Also, "Inference in inheritance networks, using propositional logic
and networks techniques," presented at the Bar-Ilan Symposium on Foundations
of AI, Ramat Gan, Israel, June 1991.
Pending is an extended version (R-162(L)).
- (R-163). R. Ben-Eliyahu and Dechter R. "Propositional Semantics
for Default Logic," (Extended Abstract),
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-163), August 1991, in
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
May 28-31, 13-27, 1992.
- (R-163-II). R. Ben-Eliyahu and Dechter R. "Default Reasoning Using
Classical Logic," submitted to Artificial Intelligence Journal, December
1993. (Revised version of "Propositional Semantics for Default Logic".)
- (R-164). N. Dalkey, "Entropy and Belief Networks," UCLA Cognitive
Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-164), in
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence, Stanford, CA, 55-58, July 1992.
- (R-165). N. Dalkey, "Tree Extensions of Graphical Structures,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-165), March 1994.
- (R-166). N. Dalkey, "Webs,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-166), March 1994.
- (R-167). Z. Collin, R. Dechter & S. Katz. "On the Feasibility
of Distributed Constraint Satisfaction," in
Proceedings, IJCAI'91,
Sydney, Australia, August 24-30, 318-324, 1991.
- (R-168). J. Pearl, R. Dechter and T. Verma. "Knowledge
Discovery VS. Data Compression."
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report CSD-910035 (R-168),
in Proceedings KDD-91 Workshop, Anaheim, CA, 207-211, 1991.
- (R-169). R. Ben-Eliyahu and R. Dechter. "Translating a
Cycle Default Theory into an Acyclic Default Theory,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-169), July, 1991.
- (R-170-L). R. Ben-Eliyahu and R. Decter. "Propositional Semantics
for Disjunctive Logic Programs,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-170-L),
submitted to be included in a special issue of Annals of Mathematics
and AI, May 1992.
- (R-170-S). R. Ben-Eliyahu and R. Decter. "Propositional Semantics
for Disjunctive Logic Programs,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-170-S),
in Proceedings of the 1992 Joint International Conference and
Symposium on Logic Programming, Washington, D.C., 813-827, November 1992.
- (R-171). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl. "Stratified Rankings for
Causual Modeling," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-171), in
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
Plymouth, VT, 99-110, 1992.
- (R-172). R. Dechter and J. Pearl. "Structure Identification
in Relational Data," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-172),
in Artificial Intelligence, 58, Elsevier Science Publishers,
237-270, 1992.
- (R-172 short). R. Dechter and J. Pearl. "Structure Identification
in Relational Data," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-172), in
Proceedings of the Canadian AI Conference 1992,
Toronto, Canada, 176-189, January 1992.
- (R-173). I. Meiri. "Temporal Reasoning: A Constraint-Based
Approach," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-173),
Ph.D. Dissertation, January 1992.
- (R-174). I. Meiri and R. Dechter. "Experimental Evaluation of
Constraint Processing," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-174),
January 1992.
- (R-175). J. Pearl. "Belief Networks Revisited,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-175).
In Artificial Intelligence, 59, Elsevier, 49-56, 1993.
(Invited - Special Issue, "AI in Perspective")
- (R-176). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl. "Reasoning With
Qualitative Probabilities Can Be Tractable,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-176), in
Dubois, D., Wellman, M. P., D'Ambrosio B. and Smets, P. (Eds),
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Stanford, CA, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
San Mateo, CA, 112-120, 1992.
- (R-177). T. S. Verma and J. Pearl. "An Algorithm for Deciding if
a Set of Observed Independencies has a Causal Explanation,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-177), in
Dubois, D., Wellman, M. P., D'Ambrosio B. and Smets, P. (Eds),
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Stanford, CA, (Best Student Paper Award) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
San Mateo, CA, 323-330, 1992.
- (R-178). M. Goldszmidt and J. Pearl, "Rank-based systems: A simple
approach to belief revision, belief update, and reasoning about evidence and
actions," in B. Nebel, C. Rich, and W. Swartout (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 661-672, October 1992.
- (R-179). R. Ben-Eliyahu, "From Program Completion to Default Logic,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboraotry. Presented at the
International Workshop on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic
Reasoning (LPNMR 93), Lisbon, Portugal, June 1993.
- (R-180) hold for Verma
- (R-181) D\o'i\"ez, J. "Local Conditioning in Bayesian Networks,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-181),
July 1992.
- (R-182) Dechter, R. and Dechter, A., "Structure-Driven Algorithms for Truth Maintenance," UCI Computer Science Department, Technical Report at UCLA R-182, Revision II, August 1992. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence.
- (R-183) Pearl, J. and Wermuth, N., "When Can Association Graphs
Admit A Causal Explanation?," UCLA, Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report (R-183), November 1992,
in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Statistics, 141-150, January 1993.
Also in P. Cheeseman and W. Oldford (Eds.), Selecting Models
and Data, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV, Springer-Verlag,
205-214, 1994. {R-183}
- (R-184) Goldszmidt, M., "Extending System $Z$ with
Negated Defaults," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical
Report (R-184), October 1992.
- (R-185) Dor, D. and Tarsi, M., "A simple algorithm
to construct a consistent extension of a partially oriented
graph," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report (R-185), October 1992.
- (R-186) Ben-Eliyahu, R. and Dechter, R., "On Computing
Minimal Models," in Proceedings of the 11th National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-93, Washington, DC, 2-8, July 1993.
- (R-186-II) Ben-Eliyahu, R. and Luigi, P., "Reasoning with Minimal
Models: Efficient algorithmms and applications," in J. Doyle, E. Sandewall,
P. Torasso (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference,
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-94), Bonn, Germany,
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 39-50, May 24-27, 1994.
- (R-188) Verma, T.S. and Pearl, J., "Deciding Morality of Graphs
is NP-complete," in D. Heckerman and A. Mamdani (Eds.), Proceedings
of the Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, D.C., 391-397, July 1993.
- (R-190) Goldszmidt, M., "Qualitative Probabilities: A Normative
Framework for Commonsense Reasoning," UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report (R-190), Ph.D. Thesis, October 1992.
- (R-191) Verma, T.S., "Graphical Aspects of Causal Models,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-191), Draft Copy,
- (R-192) Pearl, J., "A Calculus of Pragmatic Obligation,"
Presented at the AAAI Spring Symposium
on Reasoning about Mental States, Stanford, CA March 23-25, 1993.
Revised version: "From Conditional Oughts to Qualitative Decision Theory"
in D. Heckerman and A. Mamdani (Eds.), Proceedings
of the Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, D.C., Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 12-20, July 1993.
- (R-193) Pearl, J., "From Adams' conditionals to default
expressions, causal conditionals, and counterfactuals,"
UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-193),
1993. To appear in E.\ Eells and
B.\ Skyrms (Eds.), Probability and Conditionals, Cambridge University
- (R-194) Darwiche, A., "Argument Networks: Explicating
independence in propositional databases," in D. Heckerman
and A. Mamdani (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Uncertainty
in Artificial Intelligence, Washington, D.C., 420-427, July 1993.
- (R-195) Pearl, J., "Comment: Graphical Models, Causality, and
Intervention," Comments on: `Linear Dependencies Represented by Chain
Graphics' by Cox, D., and Wermuth, N.; and `Bayesian Analysis in Expert
Systems' by Spiegelhalter, Dawid, Lauritzen and Cowell. In Statistical
Science, Vol. 8, No. 3, 266-269, August 1993.
- (R-195-LL) Pearl, J., "Aspects of Graphical Models Connected
With Causality," UCLA, Cognitive Systems Laboratory,
Technical Report (R-195-LL), June 1, 1993. Short version in
Proceedings of the 49th Session of the
International Statistical Institute, Tome LV, Book1,
Florence, Italy, 1993, pp. 391-401.
Submitted to Biometrika.
- (R-195-LLL) Pearl, J., "From Bayesian Networks to Causal Networks,"
in A.~Gammerman (Ed.), Bayesian Networks and Probabilistic Reasoning,
Alfred Walter Ltd., London, 1994.
Also in Proceedings of the UNICOM Seminar on Adaptive Computing and
Information Processing, Brunel University, London, pp. 165-194,
January 25-27, 1994.
To appear in G.~Coletti, D.~Dubois, and R.~Scozzafava (Eds.),
Mathematical Models for Handling Partial Knowledge in Artificial
Intelligence , Plenum Publishing, New York, NY.
- (R-196) Dechter, A., Dechter, R., and Schwalb, E., "Redundancies
in Constraint Networks," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-196), DRAFT, April 1993.
- (R-197) Paz, A. and Pearl, J., "A New Characterization of Graphs Based
on Intereption,"UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-197),
June 1993.
- (R-198) Ben-Eliyahu, R., "Nonmonotonic Reasoning in Classical Logic,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-198), June 1993.
Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA Computer Science Department.
(R-199) Balke, A. and Pearl, J., "Nonparametric Bounds on Causal Effects
from Partial Compliance Data," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-199), September 1993. Submitted to JASA.
(R-199-A) Balke, A. and Pearl, J., "Universal Formulas for
Treatment Effects from Noncompliance Data," UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-199-A), August 1994. Submitted to the
Proceedings of the 1994 International Research Conference on Lifetime
Data Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis.
- (R-200) Pearl, J., "On the Statistical Interpretation of
Structural Equations," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-200), July 1993.
- (R-201)Ben-Eliyahu, R. and Palopoli, L., "Model Selection in
disjunctive Logic Programming: Algorithms and Expressibility,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-201), August 1993.
- (R-202)Darwiche, A. and Pearl, J., "On the Logic of Iterated
Belief Revision," in R. Fagin (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning
about Knowledge (TARK '94), Pacific Grove, CA, 5-23, March 13-16, 1994.
- (R-203)Pearl, J., "Causal Inference from Indirect Experiments,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-203), October 1993.
Presented in Symposium Notes of the 1994 AAAI Spring
Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, March 21-23, 1994.
- (R-204)Pearl, J., "From Imaging and Stochastic Control to
a Calculus of Actions," (Extended Abstract), UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-204), October 1993.
In Symposium Notes of the 1994 AAAI Spring
Symposium on Decision-Theoretic Planning, Stanford, CA, 204-209,
March 21-23, 1994.
- (R-205) Tan, S., "Specification and Verification of Preferences
for Planning under Uncertainty" (Extended Abstract), UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-205), October 1993.
In Symposium Notes of the 1994 AAAI Spring
Symposium on Decision-Theoretic Planning, Stanford, CA,
254-260, March 21-23, 1994.
(R-205-II) Tan, S-W. and Pearl, J., "Specification and Evaluation
of Preferences for Planning under Uncertainty," UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-205-II) January 1994. In J. Doyle,
E. Sandewall, P. Torasso (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference, Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (KR-94), Bonn, Germany, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA,
530-539, May 24-27, 1994.
- (R-206)Darwiche, A., and Pearl, J., "Symbolic Causal Networks for
Planning under Uncertainty" (Abstract), UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-206), October 1993.
In Symposium Notes of the 1994 AAAI Spring
Symposium on Decision-Theoretic Planning, Stanford, CA, 41-47,
March 21-23, 1994.
In the Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, WA, Volume I, 238-244,
July 31 - August 4, 1994.
- (R-207)Pearl, J., "On the Identification of Nonparametric
Structural Models," UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-207), Revision III, July 1994.
To appear in Latent Variable Modelling with Application
to Causality Conference (Proceedings), Springer-Verlag,
Lecture Notes Series.
- (R-208) Balke, A., and Pearl, J., "Nonparametric Bounds on Causal
Effects from Partial Compliance Data with Continuous Treatment," UCLA
Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-208), 1994.
- (R-209)Pearl, J., "A Causal Calculus," UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-209), December 1993. In preparation.
- (R-210)Pearl, J., "Mediating Instrumental Variables," UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-210), December 1993. DRAFT PAPER
- (R-211)Pearl, J., "A Note on Testing Exogeneity of Instrumental
Variables," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-211-S),
December 1993. DRAFT PAPER
- (R-212)Pearl, J., "A Probabilistic Calculus of Actions,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-212), January 1994. In R. Lopez de Mantaras and D. Poole (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence (UAI-94), Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo, CA, 454-462, 1994.
(R-213-A) Balke, A. and Pearl, J., "Probabilistic Evaluation of
Counterfactual Queries," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-213), January 1994. In the Proceedings of the Twelfth
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, WA,
Volume I, 230-237, July 31 - August 4, 1994.
(R-213-B) Balke, A., and Pearl, J., "Counterfactual Probabilities:
Computational Methods, Bounds, and Applications," UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-213-B), May 1994. In R. Lopez
de Mantaras and D. Poole (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-94), Morgan Kaufmann, San
Mateo, CA, 46-54, July 29-31, 1994.
(R-214) Tan, S., "Qualitative Decision Theory," UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-214), January 1994. In
the Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, WA, Volume II, 928-933,
July 31 - August 4, 1994.
(R-215) Tan, S-W., "Exceptional Subclasses in Qualitative
Probability," UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report
(R-215) January 1994. In R. Lopez de Mantaras and D. Poole (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence (UAI-94), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 553-559, July
29-31, 1994.
- (R-216) Pearl, J., "Bayesian Networks," UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-216), February 1994.
To appear in M. Arbib(Ed.),
Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, MIT Press, 1995.
Science Department, Technical Report R-216, February 1994.
- (R-217) Pearl, J., "Three Statistical Puzzles," UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-217), February 1994.
- (R-218-B) Pearl, J., "Causal diagrams for experimental research," UCLA
Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-218-B), Marcy 1995.
In Biometrika, 82(4), 669--710, December 1995.
- (R-219). Pearl, J., "Identification of the Causal Effect of
Time Varying Policies," (Summary of J. Pearl Contributions to a Joint
Paper with J. Robins), UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-219), June 1994.
(R-219-U). Pearl, J. & Robins, J., ``Probabilistic evaluation of
sequential plans from causal models with hidden variables,'' UCLA Computer
Science Department, Technical Report (R-219-U).
In P. Besnard and S. Hanks (Eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence 11, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 444--453, 1995.
- (R-220). N. Dalkey, "Web Generalization of Causal Models,"
UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-220), March 1994.
- (R-221 - R-224) RESERVED FOR JUDEA
- (R-225). Ben-Eliyahu, R. and Palopoli, L., "The expressive power
of statified Datalog over ordered databases," UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-225), September 1994. DO NOT
CIRCULATE - refer to Rachel.
- (R-226-U). Galles, D. & Pearl, J., ``Testing Identifiability of
Causal Effects,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report
(R-226-U). In P. Besnard and S. Hanks (Eds.), Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence 11, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 185--195, 1995.
(R-230). Cao, H., ``On the Empirical Implicatios of
Instrumental Variables with Continous Tratments,''UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-230), 1995.
(R-232-U). Balke, A. & Pearl, J., ``Counterfactuals and Policy
Analysis in Structural Models,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-232-U). In P. Besnard and S. Hanks (Eds.), Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence 11, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 11--18, 1995.
(R-233). Tan, S-W., ``The Logic of Conditional Preferences,"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-233), March
(R-234). Paz, A. & Pearl, J., ``Axiomatic Characterization
of Directed Graphs,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-234), October 1994. DRAFT
(R-235). Tan, S-W., ``A framework for qualitative decision theory,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report (R-235),
April 1995.
(R-236). Pearl, J., ``Graphical Models for Probabilistic and
Causal Reasoning,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-236), June 1996.
To appear in D. Gabbay and P. Smets (Eds.), Handbook on Defeasible
Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Fall 1996.
(R-236-S). Pearl, J., ``Decision Making Under Uncertainty,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-236-S),
January 1996. Prepared for CRC Handbook chapter for special
50th-anniversary issue of Computing Surveys.
(R-236-ACM). Pearl, J., ``Graphical Models for Probabilistic and
Causal Reasoning,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-236-ACM), September 1996.
To appear in Allen B. Tucker (Ed.), The Computer Science and
Engineering Handbook, Chapter 39, CRC Press, Inc., 1997.
(R-237). Pearl, J., ``Structural and Probabilistic Causality,''
Technical Report (R-237), November 1995.
In D.R. Shanks, K.J. Holyoak, and D.L. Medin (Eds.),
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Vol. 34 Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, 393--435, 1996.
(R-238). Pearl, J., ``A Graphical Solution to Statistical Adjustment,''
UCLA Computer Science Department Technical Report (R-238), July 1996.
(R-239). Pearl, J., ``Comments on R.W. Olfords' A Physical Device
for Demonstrating Confounding, Blocking, and the Role of Randomization in
Uncovering a Causal Relationship,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-239). To appear in The American Statistician,
November 1996.
(R-240). Galles, D. & Pearl, J., ``Axioms of Causal Relevance,''
Preliminary version in Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference on Mathematics and AI, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 64--67, January,
1996. Revision I submitted to Artificial Intelligence, November 1996.
(R-241). Chickering, D.M. & Pearl, J., ``A Clinician's Apprentice
for Analyzing Non-compliance,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-241), April 1996. In Proceedings
of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-96), Portland,
OR, 1269--1276, August 1996.
(R-241-S). ``A Tool for Analyzing Clinical Studies with
Imperfect Compliance,'' Submitted to the Seventeenth Annual Meeting Society
for Clinical Trials, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 5-8, 1996.
(R-242). Balke, Alexander A., ``Probabilistic Counterfactuals:
Semantics, Computation, and Applications,'' UCLA Computer Science
Department, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report (R-242), November 1995.
(R-243). Pearl, J. and Dechter, R., ``Identifying independencies
in causal graphs with feedback,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-243), June 1996. In Proceedings
of UAI-96, Portland, OR, 240--246, August 1-3, 1996.
(R-244). Pearl, J., ``TETRAD and SEM,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-244), June 1996. Commentary on "The TETRAD Project:
Constraint Based Aids to Causal Model Specification" by R. Scheines,
P. Spirtes, C. Glymour, C. Meek, and T. Richardson. Prepared
for Multivariate Behavioral Research.
(R-244-S). Pearl, J., ``On The Foundation Of Structural Equation
Models or When Can We Give Causal Interpretation To Structural Coefficients?,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-244-S), November 1996.
Portions of this report are included in a commentary prepared for
Multivariate Behavioral Research.
(R-245). Chickering, D.M., ``Learning Bayesian Networks from Data,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report (R-245),
June 1996.
(R-246). Pearl, J., ``Bayesian Networks,'' UCLA Computer Science
Department, Technical Report (R-246), July 1997.
In R.A. Wilson and F. Keil (Eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of
the Cognitive Sciences, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 72--74, 1999.
(R-247). Pearl, J., ``Graphs, Structural Models and Causality,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-247), December 1996.
A condensed version of this paper has appeared in Biometrika,
82(4), 669--710, December 1995 under the title "Causal Diagrams for
Experimental Research".
In C.N. Glymour and G.F. Cooper (Eds.),
Computation, Causation, and Discovery,
AAAI/MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 95--138, 1999.
(R-248). Pearl, J., ``The Art and Science of Cause and Effect,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-248), October 1996.
Given October 29, 1996 as part of the UCLA 81st Faculty Research Lecture Series.
(R-249). Pearl, J., ``The New Challenge: From a Century of Statistics to
an Age of Causation,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-249), January 1997. Presented at the IASC Second World
Congress, Pasadena, CA, February 1997.
In Computing Science and Statistics, 29(2), 415--423, 1997.
(R-249-U). Pearl, J., ``Statistics, Causality, and Graphs"
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-249-U), August 1998.
To appear in A. Gammerman (Ed.), Causal Models and Intelligent
Data Management, Springer-Verlag (UNICOM).
(R-250). Galles, D. & Pearl, J., ``An Axiomatic Characterization of
Causal Counterfactuals,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report
(R-250), September 1997. Prepared for Foundations of Science,
Volume 3, Issue 1 1998, pp. 151 - 182,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. CSD-TR 98003
(R-251). Greenland, S., Pearl, J., and Robins, J. ``Causal diagrmas
for Epidemiologic Research,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-251), March 1998. CSD-TR 98005
Epidemiology, Vol. 1, No. 10, 37--48, January 1999.
(R-252). Greenland, S., Robins, J., and Pearl, J. ``Confounding
and collapsibility in causal inference," UCLA Computer Science Department
Technical Report (R-252), December 1998.
Statistical Science, Vol 14, No. 1, 29--46, 1999.
(R-253). Pearl, J., ``Graphs, causality, and structural equation
models,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-253),
January 1998. Socioligical Methods and Research,
Vol. 27, No. 2, 226--284, November 1998.
CSD-TR 98004
(R-254). Tian, J., Paz, A., and Pearl, J.,
"Finding Minimal Separating Sets", UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report R-254, February 1998.
(R-255). Pearl, J., ``Exogeneity and instrumental variables''
(R-256). Pearl, J., ``Why there is no statistical test for confounding,
why many think there is, and why they are almost right''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-256),
July 1998.
(R-257). Pearl, J. and Meshkat, P., ``Testing Regression Models
With Fewer Regressors,'' UCLA Computer Science Department,
Technical Report (R-257), July 1998. In E. Heckerman and J. Whittaker (Eds.),
Artifical Intelligence and Statistics 99, Morgan Kaufmann,
San Francisco, CA, 255--259, 1999.
(R-258). Galles, D., ``Structural Causal Models: A Formalism for
Reasoning About Actions and Counterfactuals,'' UCLA Cognitive Systems
Laboratory, Technical Report (R-258), Ph.D. Thesis, 1997.
(R-259). Pearl, J., ``On the definition of actual cause,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-259),
July 1998.
(R-260). Pearl, J., ``Probabilities of causation: Three
counterfactual interpretations and their identification,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-260),
September 1998.
(R-261). Pearl, J., ``Probabilities of causation: Three
counterfactual interpretations and their identification,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-261),
January 1999. Synthese, Vol 121(1--2), 93--149, Nov. 1999.
(R-264). Pearl, J., ``Simpson's Paradox: An Anatomy,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-264),
April 1999.
(R-265). Pearl, J., ``Reasoning with cause and effect,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-265),
April 1999. Summary of IJCAI-99 Research Excellence Award Lecture, presented
August 5, 1999, Stockholm, Sweden. In Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-99),
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1437--1449, 1999.
(R-265). Pearl, J., ``Reasoning with cause and effect,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-265), 1999.
(R-266). Halpern, J.Y. and Pearl, J., ``Actual Causality,''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-266), March 1999.
(R-269). Pearl, J., ``The logic of counterfactuals in causal inference
(Discussion of `Causal inference without counterfactuals' by A.P. Dawid),''
UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical Report (R-269), 1999.
In Journal of American Statistical Association, Vol. 95, No. 450, 428--435,
June 2000. (Dawid's complete paper with all discussions pp. 407--448)
(R-271-U). Tian, J. and Pearl, J., ``Probabilistic of causation:
Bounds and identification,'' UCLA Computer Science Department, Technical
Report (R-271-U), 2000.
In Craig Boutilier and Moises Goldszmidt (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Sixteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 589--598, 2000.
AVAILABLE ON-LINE PAPERS can be accessed at
HARD COPIES REQUESTS are to be directed to:
Prof. Judea Pearl (
UCLA Computer Science Department
4532 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, California 90024-1596
Phone: (310) 825-3243
Fax: (310) 825-2273